Green and Gorgeous: Plants Suitable for Tall Narrow Pots

plants suitable for tall narrow pots
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If you have a small garden or balcony, then you know how important it is to make the most of every inch of space. One great way to do this is by using tall narrow pots to grow plants. These types of pots are perfect for creating vertical gardens and adding some greenery to your space without taking up too much room. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best plants that are perfect for tall narrow pots.

Best Plants for Tall Narrow Pots


Bamboo is a great choice for tall narrow pots because it can grow quite tall but doesn't take up much space. It's also very low maintenance and can be grown indoors or outdoors. Bamboo prefers indirect sunlight, so make sure to place your pot in a spot that gets plenty of light but not direct sun. Remember to water your bamboo regularly, but don't overwater it as that can cause root rot.

Snake Plant

The snake plant (also known as mother-in-law's tongue) is another great option for tall narrow pots. It's a hardy plant that can tolerate low light and infrequent watering, making it perfect for those who don't have a green thumb. The snake plant also has air-purifying qualities, so it's a great addition to any home or office.

Spider Plant

Spider plants are easy to care for and can grow quite tall, making them a good choice for tall narrow pots. They prefer bright, indirect light and should be watered regularly. Spider plants are also known for their air-purifying qualities and are safe for pets.


Dracaena is a popular houseplant that can grow quite tall, making it perfect for tall narrow pots. It prefers bright, indirect light and should be watered regularly. Dracaena comes in many varieties, so you can choose one that fits your style and space.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle leaf figs have become very popular in recent years, and for good reason. They have large, beautiful leaves that add a touch of elegance to any space. Fiddle leaf figs prefer bright, indirect light and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Golden Pothos

Golden pothos is a hardy plant that can tolerate low light and infrequent watering. It's also known for its air-purifying qualities, making it a great addition to any home or office. Golden pothos can grow quite long, so it's perfect for tall narrow pots.

Tips for Growing Plants in Tall Narrow Pots

Choose the Right Potting Mix

When planting in tall narrow pots, it's important to choose the right potting mix. Look for a mix that is specifically designed for container gardening and has good drainage. This will help prevent water from sitting in the bottom of the pot and causing root rot.

Water Regularly

Plants grown in tall narrow pots may require more frequent watering than those grown in wider pots. This is because the soil in tall narrow pots can dry out more quickly. Make sure to check the soil regularly and water whenever it feels dry to the touch.

Use a Trellis or Support

Some plants, such as climbing vines, may require a trellis or support to grow tall in a narrow pot. Make sure to choose a trellis that fits the size of your pot and plant, and secure it firmly in place.

Rotate Your Plants

Plants that are grown in tall narrow pots may not get as much light on all sides, so it's important to rotate them every few weeks to ensure even growth.

Best Plants for Indoor Tall Narrow Pots


Sansevieria, also known as snake plant or mother-in-law's tongue, is a perfect indoor plant for tall narrow pots. It has long, upright leaves that add height to any space. Sansevieria prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light as well.


Philodendrons are popular indoor plants because they're easy to care for and can grow quite tall. They prefer bright, indirect light and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Ponytail Palm

Ponytail palms have a unique, bulbous base and long, thin leaves that make them perfect for tall narrow pots. They prefer bright, direct light and should be watered infrequently.

Peace Lily

Peace lilies are a popular indoor plant because they have beautiful, white flowers and can grow quite tall. They prefer bright, indirect light and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry.


1. Can I grow vegetables in tall narrow pots?

Yes, you can grow vegetables in tall narrow pots. Look for varieties that don't require a lot of space, such as cherry tomatoes, peppers, and herbs.

2. How often should I water my plants in tall narrow pots?

Plants in tall narrow pots may require more frequent watering than those in wider pots. Check the soil regularly and water whenever it feels dry to the touch.

3. Can I use regular potting soil for tall narrow pots?

Yes, you can use regular potting soil for tall narrow pots. However, it's important to choose a mix that is specifically designed for container gardening and has good drainage.

4. How do I know if my plant needs more light?

If your plant is not growing as quickly as it should or its leaves are turning yellow, it may need more light. Try moving it to a spot that gets more sunlight.

5. Can I grow succulents in tall narrow pots?

Yes, you can grow succulents in tall narrow pots. Look for varieties that don't require a lot of water and prefer bright, indirect light.

Tall narrow pots are a great way to add some greenery to your small garden or balcony without taking up too much space. There are many plants that are perfect for these types of pots, including bamboo, snake plant, spider plant, dracaena, fiddle leaf fig, and golden pothos. Remember to choose the right potting mix, water regularly, and use a trellis or support if necessary. With these tips in mind, you'll be on your way to creating a beautiful vertical garden in no time!

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